The one percent risk rule will protect your account for you. In fact, when you implement the One Percent Trading Rule each and every time, this might actually be the best protection on your account… much better than any stop loss strategy.
The benefits of this strategy are as follows: it protects against losses greater than 1% in any given year; provides some protection from bear markets that can last up to three years at a time (one-half or more); and allows an investor to earn money on all trades while only risking less than 2%.
The One Percent Trading Rule
Will the One Percent Trading Rule Slow My Account Growth?
A risky stock purchase may seem daunting when it involves using all of the money from a trading account, but there is an easy solution: leverage! This comes with its own set of risks and should be used only by those who know what they’re doing – like yourself if you’re new.
Applying the One Percent Trading Rule
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